Thursday, April 4, 2013

Got an email from my friend Jose Jimenez today.

April 1, 2013

Hola Tomas,
     I made it back to mi casa ok.  Uff Da! What a drive man.  Still no green grass here and Peace Willow and Rainbow Joy are really itching to play some softball.  So  gringo, green we will go.  ha ha !  Heading to Albuquerque to see my dad and shag a few balls for the girls.  
     Dad will be leaving soon for Antarctica to catch the end of summer there.  Sounds like the hatch has been good with the penguins , but there seems to be a shortage of fish. So he is a little concerned.
Him and mom fight all the time about about this climate change thing.  Penguins more promiscuous, and prosperous, but the food supply seems to be running low for the little birds.  To me I cant figure out if penguins are a bird or a fish.  They both swim. They eat other fish, but a penguin has a beak, no? 
     Anyway Muchas gracias for the burrito the other day it was good, but i like more chicken and less beans.   We should still try to get our girls together for them to play some ball.  should be about another week here, but we are going to fly down to New Mexico anyway this weekend.

Hasta la vista....

April 4, 2013

     Buenos dias my friend.  No grass here either, just snow.  Gracei was just expressing to me her frustrations also about the conditions of the field where she plays.  and by the way many thousand thanks for the sandwich.  I don't particularly care for white bread, but the extra corned beef and cheese still made it delightful for the palate.
     It's funny you mention penguins.  My dad once built a fence for penguins.  He even talked about raising them.  Some people tell me that he actually did have some at one time.   So i really like hearing about penguins and would so one day like to meet your father.  
     I made it home too, and it is nice to have a little time off to be with the kids.  Been cleaning house in more ways than one you know.  So amigo,  stay in touch!  Good to hear from you.    I truly believe that God puts people together for a reason, and it is usually for a season or a lifetime.  Truly my brother, I hope our reason is for the latter.


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